Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Major Changes

And in the end... I suppose this blog might have been meant to be a daily blog, but somehow it never took off as the daily duo it might have replaced never paused long enough to fade into the background (some dailies never truly end {like love}, if you know what I mean), but this blog remains as the lead blog for the expanded daily set it might have been meant to be (the set consists primarily of this and these three sisters and several off shoots, maybe, though the latter three are also tied to the current daily that did not pause long enough for this one to actually take root in day to day daily life, and then there are a few other older sidebars that may still draw words now and then and still other more specific subject blogs that are not quite daily, but on-going when the subject comes up.

In any case, this entry marks another major change of life (though the actual physical change is still just symbolic as the activity has not commenced) as the elliptical machine, all $4300 worth, was delivered yesterday. It sits relatively next to the recliner (all $300 of it... maybe it's time for an upgrade lol) in the corner of the living room, facing the TV, so i have a choice of activities when I come into the living room. Sit and vege in front of the TV, or work out on the elliptical while I vege out in front of the TV. Or music, music is a good motivation and accompaniment to both exercise and relaxation. Anyway, a major expense marks a major change, as does moving into a new space, radically changing lifestyle, diet, physical activity, relationships, and so on. So if I remember this blog exists, I'll at least record the life change here. The elliptical arrival is what brings us here today. Hopefully a change in diet and lifestyle to increase exercise and fitness and all the benefits that come with that will follow. In the end, for the moment, I am still alone in most everything. I've got a great roommate who shares meals and chats and expenses and time and space, but the heart that still longs to be in love remains waiting for the person who can inspire that again. Life is pretty near perfect, otherwise.

So how is your record playing?

Narf :)

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