Saturday, September 14, 2013

job news

yes, it appear i will be working again in a few weeks... more to follow

i lied, sort of, but if you did not come back here for a few weeks, you wouldn't have noticed that nothing came until a few weeks after this entry and that is primarily because i am babbling elsewhere so here is some and here is more and if you click and read, you have the job news you were not waiting for (unless you did come back here to find out what more was to follow in which case, ooops, apologies, and thanks for your interest and patience)...

i shall update more often, especially if i know you are checking in on this record of a life... but even if noone is, it is meant to be a record of a life for me and anyone who might card anytime now or whenever so i ought to and hope to return more regularly without the distracting babble amd asides and such as this might be and simple put the daily events and thoughts and feeling about the experiences that can be recorded here to be the record of a life...

or something like that :)

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