Thursday, May 9, 2013

may not remembered

i may (get it now?) not remember what i did in may, this being a bit of a catch up entry just cuz i want this blog to appear as though it is alive and, well, not dead (cuz kicking would probably be more than one entry a month), but life is going on and i did survive that illness so breath-takingly recorded in the previous entry (at least it will be the previous entry unless i stick another entry in after i upload this one, but then, time-stamps are relative, as is time, ya know?)... there was surely softball as there is almost always softball in this life (at least for the past six years or so) and the love of playing the gave is not diminishing... and there is tv as there is always tv (though i have lived without tv for a few years a few times in this life and i didn't miss it at the time) and these days i am catching up on the reruns of a few shows i missed when i lived without tv, among others... and there is lots of social life, though without romance or real intimacy, full of cards and games and sports bars and parties and assorted community activities... and there is more, but i am not remembering what at the moment...

this is a relatively poor record of a life, no doubt... try try again, narf :)

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