Saturday, December 1, 2012

everything changes

what is expected is that everything and some changes are expected more than others... what is not expected is the suddenness of some changes... so the temporary income from the contracted job ends, which was expected anytime in december... what was not expected was the suddenness of the end in the blink of an eye just before december began... maybe it's the insecurity of the manager... maybe there is another reason, though no other reason was given even when asked for... anyway, the change comes a week or two earlier than hoped for, but the expected change comes... and with each change comes a challenge, some more fun than others... some with more risk and poetential downside than others... this one, loss of income and needing a job, comes with both extremes...

so it is time to renew the search for a new income... ummmm, next year... the lemonade shall be a couple of extra weeks off to enjoy this year... gotta ride the changes and the challenges too and enjoy them as much as possible, after all :)

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